Roam on the Range maintains and enriches its soil with the manure dropped by its livestock in the pastures and woodlands and with the compost created from the soiled hay in the coops and sheds.
- We also generate green manure by brush hogging the pastures.
- We never use any chemicals.
- When we want to remove woody plants from a pasture we let the goats do the work by browsing.
- We never plow.

Rich Pastures
We grow grass.
Our goats graze on these rich pastures which also provide us with hay.
The woodlands provide sheltered browse for the goats and are managed for wildlife food: we graft apple trees and liberate them as well as our oaks from competitors so they can thrive and provide fruit and nuts.

The nascent food forest bears a variety of berries and fruit.
The vegetable garden is hand worked.
No plastic coverings or beds: Vegetables breathe the fresh air and drink the rain.
Leaves and old hay serve as mulch.
We collect our seeds which are organic and non-GMO.
Experience picking your vegetables in the garden, eating them and learning how to preserve them!

Our lush pastures and rich woodlands provide exciting seasonal foraging opportunities: ramps, dandelions, a host of wild edible weeds, mushrooms for the afficianado mycologist, apple trees, wild blueberries, juneberries…