From May through November, Roam on the Range raises 100% browse and grass-fed buckling chevons.
- 12 buckling chevons, born on a dairy goat farm down the road
- Fed mother’s milk for the first 8 weeks of life.
- Weaned, spend next 5 months at Roam on the Range, feeding exclusively on 30 acres of green grass and blackberry pastures and in woodlands where leaves, shoots, twigs and shrubs abound.
- Born and raised in the NYC watershed: a guarantee of pristine spring water.
- At 7 months slaughtered in the most humane way possible at a USDA certified facility.
As a result of our practices, our goat meat is not only healthy, but tender.
Roam on the Range guests have the opportunity to be shepherds for a few hours and experience the miracle of the woods and the browse.
When available, goat meat cuts are for sale: $12.00/lb.

Our Black Spanish turkeys walk, run, fly, mate and reproduce freely. They eat whatever they find on our rich pastures and woodlands as well as the non-GMO, insecticide and pesticide free grain we feed them.
This heirloom turkey breed is unique:
- Born in the Southwest, transported to the Old World by the Spanish conquerors in the 1500’s, then returned by the Pilgrims to the East coast 100 years later.
- Forages efficiently, mates naturally and raises its young. Leads a normal, healthy bird life. Tastier than the standard Broad Breasted White.
- Doesn’t fatten fast, so costs more to raise.
When available, turkeys are for sale at Thanksgiving and Christmas for $8.00/lb.
Average weight is 8 to 10 pounds.

Ducks and Chickens
In addition to our heirloom Black Spanish turkeys, chickens and Rouen ducks reproduce naturally and provide us with eggs and added meat.
They also serve as our natural pest controllers while fertilizing our nascent food forest.